Saturday 12 April 2014

Ally's First Haircut

Pretty girl. 

This weekend the Boy and I played hairdresser and worked with our Hereford calves. Remember Ally from my feeding video? Ally is one of the heifers that we'll be keeping and hopefully showing this summer. 

Ally was pretty fuzzy so we decided we would shave her head out to see what was under all that fuzzy. 

The boy used a pair of clippers called sheepsheads to shave her head. 

Getting closer to being done. When we clip our cattle we put them in an aluminum chute. This keeps both the animal and us safe, as well it prevents them from moving around too much. 

Finished product! Doesn't she look great. We can't wait to get Ally back in again and clip on the rest of her body. We won't shave the hair anywhere else, except for her head and part of her tail. On the rest of the body we just trim off part of the hair to help extenuate her positive attributes and hid her flaws. 

These are two of the heifers, Firework and Shelly, that we'll be selling. We've been working on them quite a bit and they are well on their way to becoming awesome show heifers. Soon Ally will be standing their next to these girls looking just as fabulous. 

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