Saturday 12 April 2014

Agvocacy Goals


Earlier this month, when I spoke about connecting with the consumer at the American Agri-Women Conference, I asked all the participants in my session to write down a goal of theirs regarding how they would become more involved in agvocacy. The participants wrote each goals down twice, keeping one sheet of paper for themselves and handing me the second one. 

You see goals should be SMART. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, is how the acronym goes. However, I like to interchange Attainable for Accountable. By sharing your goals with others it gives you more accountability, just like when I shared my 101 in 1001 list on my blog. 

The goals that the participants wrote down ranged form blogging once a week, join Twitter to speaking to groups about agriculture, and going to law school so she stand up for family farms and agriculture. 

I love when others share their goals with me because it means that I might have some of the knowledge or resources to help them achieve their goals. What are you working towards? No need to wait until the new year to start thinking what you want to achieve?

p.s. Don't forget that December 1 is the last day to vote for the Best of the Barns Awards. I've been nominated in a couple of categories, and would love your vote. 

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