Sunday 27 April 2014

It's Sale Time - Star Lake Cattle Ranch

Going once, going twice, sold. 

One of the cows that sold
There is always something exciting about a cattle sale. Maybe it's the thrill of making a new purchase, or waiting to see what market value the bidders are going to put on your animals. There is also the fact that you get to catch up with old friends and the opportunity to make new friends.

This weekend I was in Oklahoma at the Boy's family's sale. People came from all over the United States and Canada to evaluate Star Lake Cattle Ranch's cattle and genetics. Purebred cattle sales are different than the sales that usually happen at an auction market. 1. These cattle are being sold for seedstock breeding purposes, 2. Not only do live cattle sell, but also frozen embryos and semen were sold, 3. On some of the lots you were only buying an interest in the cattle - half or a quarter.

At a auction market mostly market cattle are sold (those that are going for consumption) or commercial breeding cattle (those females that will go on to raise market animals.)

Here are a few of the pictures I took this weekend.

Everyone checking out the sale lots.

One of the older Hereford bulls selling in the sale.

Fun fact: The wind blows in Oklahoma all the time.

The brand found on all the Star Lake Cattle.
To see a few more pictures from the sale check out the Crystal Cattle facebook page

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