Friday 18 April 2014

What does corn in Iowa look like?

Corn Report V

Ok, folks it is time for another Crystal Cattle unofficial Corn Report. I say unofficial because there are a thousand (probably more) people out there than know a lot more about corn than I do, but I love learning about it. So what did I learn this week? Well first let's compare how much it has grown.

This was the cornfield (the same one we camped in our tent by) on August 2, 2011.

And this is what that same field looked like on August 27, 2011. It keeps getting taller, however here's the cooler stuff. 

The is the Boy's forearm. The corn cobs are huge. This particular cob was 18 kernels around. That's good I am told. 

Now to some this corn may look ready to harvest, but the Boy showed me a few more things that we have to look at to help determine when the corn should be harvested. 

click on photo to enlarge
You can see that some of the kernels are dented and some are not. All the kernels must be dented before the corn is ready for harvest. 

The moisture in the cob is also too high right now. If you look closely you can see the change of color in the kernel, this is called the milk line. This line needs to move all the way to the bottom of the kernel before the crop can be harvested. 

Have you ever seen this happen to an ear of corn? I learned that is due to heat stress. These top kernels did not get pollinated resulting in what you see. And that's all for this week's Corn Report. Don't forgot to thank a farmer. 

Don't forget about the giveaway that is also going on right now. 

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