Wednesday 23 April 2014

On the Road Again to a Cattle Show

Load up the heifers and the kids

On Sunday, I will be hoping on a plane to Pennsylvania for the National Junior Angus Show. More than 3,000 people and more than a 1,000 head of cattle will all gather for one of the largest junior national shows in the country.

While I am moving east, the Boy will be making his way to the Junior National Hereford Expo, an equally as large cattle event, in Kansas City.

See what is inside a trailer here.
On my way home from the July Fourth weekend I saw this livestock trailer. Whenever, I see a trailer on the highways I always wonder where they are coming from or where they are headed. During the past two weeks there has been hundreds of these trailers on the road all headed to a junior national.

So what makes these events so unique? We'll I grew up going to junior shows and junior nationals was the highlight of the year. It was more than just showing a heifer, it was where I got to see my second family and my friends that really understood my passion for livestock, I got to travel across Canada and into the U.S. I learned more life skills at a cattle show than anywhere else. I also got to dominate at Quiz Bowl - yes I was that girl.

Since, next week will be crazy you probably won't be hearing from me much. I'll try to post some photos on the Crystal Cattle facebook page, and I'll be working on lots more videos like this one I did a last year. I love capturing these moments at the show. I know it sounds funny that at 14 years old a kid can say they have been working towards these moments their whole lives, but it is true.

My blogger friend Melissa at Born in a Barn wrote an awesome post on packing the trailer for the National Junior Angus Show. Take a second and check it out here.

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