Monday 21 April 2014

Home to Canada and Back to Midwest Home Again

Repack, unpack, repeat

In the the last 20 days I have been to six states and Alberta, Canada. I have been on eight flights. And I am about to do more traveling this weekend and next, so I apologize for a lack of blogging. Maybe next year I should instigate a vacation week from my blog. Just a little chance to catch up. Anybody do that before?

However, on my little break with my family I did manage to take a few photos.

This is Elle. She is one of my sister's and parent's Simmental cows. Last year they purchased her after I took a look at her at a sale in Kentucky. Elle's originally family are awesome new friends of ours. I love cattle, but I think I love the people in the cattle business even more. 

This is our family's Border Collie Bud. He is a working dog and helps up move our cattle. A good cattle dog is like having an additional man helping move cattle. Also, using a dog is a great stress free way to move cattle. That is something that is really important to our family. We want our cattle to always be treated in a low stress manner so they are more comfortable. I can't wait until the Boy and I have a good working dog one day. 

This was my view above Alberta. I love the patchwork of fields below. The bright yellow fields are Canola as in Canola oil. You don't see this crop often in the U.S., usually only in the northern states, but it  is common in Canada. 

This is what is looks like from the ground. I think Canola is one of the prettiest crops. I also try and show my love for Canada by always buying Canola Oil at the grocery store instead of Vegetable Oil. I know I'm a nerd. 

p.s. Remember that Canola is low in saturated fat, a source of omega-6 fat, high in omega-3 fat and cholestrol and trans fat-free. 

And finally maybe it was Canola Oil that were used for these French Fries. I love French Fries - I know not super healthy, but hey everything in moderation right. But do you know what I love even more than French Fries? French Fries and gravy. It is a Canadian thing, and for some reason has been hard to replicate south of the border. If they would have had it I would have order poutine, which is French Fries, Gravy and Mozzarella cheese!

Reminder all of these photos were taken on Instragram if you are on it let me know. I'm Crystal Cattle. 

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