Saturday 26 April 2014

How to Add Pages to Your Blog

Another how to blog post for my #agnerd and blogging friends

A lot of friends have recently asked me how to add tabs or pages to your blog. You can also create a mini website for your company or farm by using pages. So here is a adding pages tutorial for Blogger blogs, and don't forget to check out my How to Blog Guide for more Tutorials.

Step 1. Go to your Dashboard, find you blog and click on Pages. 

You will find this list on the left hand side. 
Step 2. Creating the page. 

You are going to likely want to create a blank page. 

You create your page just like you would create a post. Things to keep in mind.
  1. keep the name of your tab short
  2. the About Me tab/page is one of the most important pages to a blog.
Once you create the page, you will hit publish, just like you publish your blog post. 

Step 3. Make your tab/page go live

Once you have created all the pages you would like you need to hit save arrangement (the orange box in the upper right hand column). 

By holding your mouse over the vertical blue line into from of each tab name you can click and drag the pages into the order you desire. Remember to again click save arrangement after you make your change. 

Step 6. Ideas and creating a website 

My Crystal.Cattle Pages

Page ideas you might have for your blog:

About Me –  This one gets a lot of hits. I also have my complete contact information under here

Recipes – if you post recipes regularly you might want to include them under here

Photos – show off your photography skills

Other Blogs – if you don’t want to list all the blogs that you like in a blog roll on your homepage you can include them here, or other websites you enjoy

For those cattlemen that are using their blog as a website, you may want to set up tabs like For Sale, Sires, Show String, Contact Us, etc.

 ZNT Cattle have used the Blogger format to create a website for their family's cattle farm. 

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