Saturday 19 April 2014

Turquoise Arm Party (Bracelets)

Oh, ah

I hope everyone has had a fantastic week. I've been playing a little bit of catch up since returning home from the Iowa State Fair, but it will get done. Plus, I am looking forward to a weekend full of friends, wine tours and a bachelorette party. Let the good times roll.

This week I threw out the term arm party. It's the "technical" term used by many to describe stacks of bracelets. Remember my own arm party creation? Well now it is time to venture out and Gypsy land seems like the perfect spot for an arm party.

Junk Gypsy once again does not fail. These three turquoise bracelets come as a set and are only $45.00 - booyah! 

I have been eyeing this arm party for awhile. The turquoise peace bracelet is $12 - steal, the woven turquoise bangle - $18 - it is also available in a cream, and the rhinestone peace cuff is $18. 

Or maybe you just want one big statement piece. I think this turquoise cuff will do the trick! 

I would love to feature some of you arm parties on my blog. Email pictures to

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