Monday 21 April 2014

2011 Iowa Corn Report IV

It keeps growing

I finally made it back to Iowa this weekend. It is fun to watch how the landscape around the Boy's house can changed. His house is only a few feet away from the cornfield. In the winter and then into the spring you can see for miles. Now it feels like we are in a jungle when I look out his window.

This was the corn field on July 4, 2011. 
And this is the corn field now. 

It's huge! And it still has time to grow taller because the corn won't be harvested until this fall. There are also a couple of other significant changes to the corn since I saw it last.

See those pokey things at the top? Those are tassels. The are the part of the plant that holds the pollen. It is then falls from there and is caught my the silks. See below. 

And there are corn cobs on the stalks right now. The silks are that hairy part you rip off. This progress has to happen so the corn can pollenate.

 All over Iowa this weekend people were selling Sweet Corn. The Boy said that many people will use the Sweet Corn crop as an indicator of how the other corn will do. It was a bumper year for them, so he is very excited about their crops. 

This weekend you could also hear the constant buzz of planes over the house. The crop duster planes were out this weekend spraying the corn with fungicide to protect the plants from disease. I wasn't able to get any photos, but Jent at From My Front Porch did. 

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