Tuesday 29 April 2014

Food Animals

Food Animals vs. Pets - there is a difference
aka Superstar 

Miranda Lambert has done a nice job of explaining the difference between food animals and pets. Miranda Lambert is not only a superstar in terms of country music, but she knows that protein is a great way to keep her energy up and that “there are some animals you feed and some animals that feed you.” Yes, Miranda Lambert you are now an even bigger superstar in my books. 

Food animals seems like a simple concept. They are the animals that you eat, but yet I still get asked all the time how I can eat my cows. I talk a lot about my cattle on my blog, and there are certain ones that are really close to my heart – like CDY Signature 2N. She is one of my favorites, but I also know that she is a beef animal.

CDY Signature 2N
Signature was one of the last heifers I showing through junior cattle programs and my sister showed her in 4-H.

 Signature’s job for the last eight years has been to raise calves that we can sell as seedstock animals to other purebred cattle breeders. The bull calves go onto sire (father) calves that will be fed out for beef production, and her heifer calves remain in my herd or are sold to other purebred cattle breeders.

This is one of the 2011 bull calves out of Signature.

However, Signature is getting older and for the last year has had some hip problems. This winter it got a lot worse, and my family and I don’t want to see her going through more pain next winter. So after her calf is weaned off this fall I will sell her, and her ultimate fate will be hamburger. Yes, it is sad, but I grew up knowing that cows are for food, dogs are for pets.

Here is Miranda Lambert’s full quote on food animals from her Health.com story.

Q: Was it hard slaughtering animals that were your pets?
A: Dad would give us two rabbits as our pets, or we’d have one pig we could name. They explained that not every animal was a pet—some were providing for our family. It sounds weird to other people, but I look at it like, there are some animals you feed and some animals that feed you. 

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