Saturday 19 April 2014

Please send steak

Tweet, tweet

Recently I wrote an article about Twitter for the cowboy, I'll share details with you once it is published. A lot of people are a little leery of Twitter. They aren't sure if they really need one more social medium to learn or if listening to people post every element of their life in 140 characters is really that interesting (p.s. I don't follow those people.)

How has Twitter benefitted me?

1. I have created a whole new network of friends. I can draw on these people for information, advice or support. I even am getting together with one of my Twitter friends Katie Lukens Pinke (@katpinke) for supper next week. She is also a farm blogger.

2. It is how I get my news in the morning. If I see an article is being ReTweeted (remessaged) repeatedly by the people I follow I usually read it. If it is important to my peers than it is important to me.

However, for some people it also means getting a steak delivered to them. PR Daily posted the story of Peter Shankman, a PR pro and founder of Help a Reporter Out, sending a tweet out to Morton Steakhouse asking for a steak.

And he received it! You think Sullivan's (my favorite steakhouse) could deliver me one? Guess I'll have to get to tweeting. 

To follow me on Twitter look for @crystalcattle 

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