Wednesday 30 April 2014

Animal Abuse in Agriculture

Disturbing animal cruelty.

Tonight, I watched an absolutely horrible undercover video showing the abuse on a dairy farm in Texas. Tears rolled down my face as I watched the way the monsters in this video treated the baby calves on this dairy farm. The people in this video must be held accountable for their horrible acts.

Although thousands of people will watch the video from Mercy For Animals I want you to know that there are thousands or farmers and ranchers that do not treat this animals this way. The thought of animal abuse doesn't even cross our minds.

This is a new calf on our
farm. Read my sister's blog
to learn about her.
The beef calves and cows on my family's, the Boy's and the Boy's family's farm are not treated this way. Neither are the dairy animals raised by our neighbors.

Last weekend, the last cow on the Boy's farm calved. Once the calf was born, we ensured that she had a dry, warm place. Yesterday morning the Boy texted me said he was "frozen to death." That's because he spent all morning in the frigid rain putting out bedding for the cows and calves. He put his animal's welfare before his own. Those cows and calves depend on us, and as farmers and ranchers we'll do whatever it takes to make sure they receive the best care possible.

But what about animal abusers?

Well first of all I wish that Mercy For Animals would have reported this abuse the minute they saw it, not two weeks later, like all other animal rights activists. Do the people recording this footage really care about the animals. I could barely watch this. How could anyone stand there in real life and watch this.

At the end of the video Mercy For Animals gives you a solution - Veganism. Veganism is not the answer to animal abuse. I'll give you another solution. Talk to farmers and ranchers. Get to know the people that you are buying your food from. At the end of the post I have listed some other Farmer and Rancher blogs, and there take on animal abuse and raising food. Don't be afraid to ask them questions.

Haley Farms - they raise Simmental cattle like my family. And you have to check out Mike Haley's video.

Ray-Lin Dairy - Ray is a second generation dairymen. Him and his family milk around 500 cows in California

Agriculture Proud - Ryan Goodman is a young rancher, raising beef cattle

Two Maids a Milking - I love this post called our Cows Are Ladies.

Doing a quick google search for Dairy Farm Tours these are just a few that I came up with. I encourage you to do your own search and go see where your milk, cheese and yogurt comes from. And if you are a farmer or rancher reading my blog, and would be willing to open up your farm let me know. I'll list to you too!

Hinchley Farm Tours, Cambridge, Wisconsin

Kreider Farm Tour, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Shamrock Farms, Phoenix, Arizona

Klausmeyer Dairy Farms, Clearwater, Kansas

And don't forget if you have questions you can ask me too!

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