Wednesday 30 April 2014

Chicago bans school lunches

No more brown paper sacks.

I was pretty shocked to read this article “Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home.” What?!

I grew up in a school that didn’t have a cafeteria, so the whole school lunch deal is a little foreign to me, but I couldn’t imagine not grabbing my lunch from the fridge each morning, before I headed out to meet the school bus. However, some students won’t have that luxury anymore. 

I read two articles about the banning of school lunches and these are the key points:

-       The school thinks they can protect students from their own unhealthy decisions
-       Families that don’t qualify for free or reduced priced lunches, will have to pay the $2.25 daily cafeteria price, moms and dads think they can prepare an at home lunch that costs less than this
-       At least 30% of a child’s calorie intake is consumed at school
-       The school feels that this action will help with childhood obesity problems
-       If children had special dietary needs or allergies they would be allowed to bring their own lunch

We all know that teachers and schools have a great influence on children. I mean that is where they spend a huge chunk of time each day, however when did it become the responsibility for schools to decide how our children should be raised?

Steps like this concern me. When will the school district decide that they should adopt Meatless Mondays, because someone fancies it will be a good idea?

I know that the lunches that my mom, and later on myself, packed contained fruits and vegetables, usually a dairy product, and I won’t lie there were cookies and fruit snacks in them too. I think I turned out just fine. 

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