Friday 18 April 2014

Turquoise Wedding Invites

It's time to party

I've been getting lots of questions about the Boy's and I's wedding, and promise to share more with you soon. However, I will reveal one tidbit of information the wedding colors. Ready... they will be - black, white, burlap and wine. That's right no turquoise, did you fall over? It wasn't fitting in my concepts so sorry turquoise you're out on my wedding day, but I will welcome you into my home and closet whenever you like.

There is however going to be another little party in a few weeks that my cousins are throwing for the Boy and I back in Alberta, so he can meet a few more of the family members and friends. For this event I have let my two cousins take care of the details because are they pretty much two of the most creative gals I know. They've been pretty tight lipped about their master plans, but these did arrive in the mail the other day.

These are the invitations for our get together. Kim is an awesome designer. She is also the gal behind the famous shrimp gumbo recipe

And inside they were filled with the specifics, a map and M&Ms with our name on them, and other wedding phrases like Tie the Knot & Ball and Chain. I'm so excited!

Hope you have an awesome Thursday. My long weekend starts today as I am headed back to Iowa for the future Sister-in-law's wedding. 

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