Saturday 15 March 2014

The Newest Selfie the Felfie

Ok, admit it... you've taken a selfie before. Or maybe you just really want to take one. We'll I am here to let you in on a little secret. It's called the felfie. Hun? Felfie = farmer selfie. Over in Europe the felfie has caught on. I have a feeling that it is about to catch on here too.

I maybe should have worn waterproof mascara! However, the calves were happy to see me in this cold weather. 
Helping the Boy with Harvest this Fall. 
The next time you are on Twitter or Instagram search #felfie, you might see my face or some of the other hard working farmers out there.

Rockin my Red Meat Mafia Shirt
p.s. If you haven't heard it is really cold across the Midwest right now. However, that doesn't mean that farmers haven't been out in this awful weather make sure that our animals are taken care of. On Saturday we spent most of the morning putting out extra bedding to keep our cattle warm. The Boy and I are expecting a couple more new baby calves in this weather so there have been lots of trip to the barn to make sure the expectant mothers are OK. If you would give a little extra thoughts to farmers and our livestock these next few days.

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