Tuesday 25 March 2014

What a Winter Storm Looks like to Farmer

You are going to need more than a shovel for this one. 

Well, these pictures are long overdue, but I still wanted to share them. The week before Christmas we got a huge Winter Storm. I was kind of excited for it because we were completely bare previous to this snow. Guess you can't take the Canadian girl out of me!

This was the change we saw in less than 12 hours. 
The storm brought in almost 12 inches of snow. And it brought wind, tons of wind. In Iowa that means huge drifts. It would have been nice to stay inside and enjoy a snow day, but when you are a farmer someone else is depending on you - your livestock. So the Boy and I bundled up and made the trip to our farm where the cattle are.

This is what the drive looked like to the farm. 

I am sure the weather was a little deceiving for those that live in town. The snow plows were out, and since there was so much more shelter from houses and trees the wind wasn't making a mess of everything. However, as we exited town we were once again faced with ugly winter conditions. 

When we got to the farm we started to make the rounds. Checking on waters to make sure nothing was frozen, getting cattle their feed and making sure they had protection from the elements. This is our pride and joy Teardrop. She got to come into the barn, not because she needed to, but she is a our baby and we had the room. p.s. Teardop is due to calve Jan. 12 so #calfwatch2013 is officially on!

The alleyway was so full of snow. It was definitely a good workout walking through those drifts. 

The show heifers were happy to get their grain. You can tell that they are fat and happy because of the ice crystals on their back. That fat keeps them warm, and will slightly melt the snow on their back and then refreeze. 

There really isn't anything more rewarding than knowing that you helped take care of an animal especially in a situation like this. However, I hope the rest of the moisture that we desperately need comes in smaller amounts during the rest of Winter. 

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