Friday 28 March 2014

Setting your priotities

Being a grown-up means figuring things out. 

Best husband and friend ever.
Do you sometimes wonder how you are going balance or manage everything? To me things go God, family and then career. When I say or write it down it seems so clear. However, when you are living life things seem to get a little more jumbled.

God is truly number one. However, recently I had a conversation about the other two (family and career) with the Boy. The past three weeks there has been a lot going on. We are in the process of working on my residency. I'm a Canadian, and although I have been in the U.S. for nine years it has always been on student or work visas. Now that the Boy and I are married we are working on my residency. I really want to write a more in-depth post later on all about it. We also had the Boy's family's cattle dispersal. Which meant time in Oklahoma, a lot of hard work and lots of emotions both happy and sad. And then there has been three major work events in three weeks. Yes, it has been fun to see so many friends, support my family, watch new doors open and find success in my career but things are a little stressful at times, too.

Then add on top of it all my blog has suffered. I guess I'll just fall back on the rule to blogging that there are no rules. Therefore, the only pressure I have is the pressure on myself.

Exasperated, I told the Boy that whenever I seem to focus on family work suffers and when I focus on work it isn't fair to him or my family. Being the awesome person he is he simply said, "It's OK babe, I think these things take some time to figure out. I think you are doing an awesome job." Sigh of relief.

How to you manage all the balls up in the air, and how long does it take to figure these things out? Tough questions I guess. Good thing I got faith in the big guy at the top.

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