Tuesday 25 March 2014

Top Five Crystal Cattle States Ag Facts

Today we are taking a break from Turquoise Thursday because there are a few posts I want to get in before the end of the year. It has been an incredible year on the Crystal Cattle Blog. I will be sharing with you the top posts of the year after Christmas but I thought it would be fun to check out where all my readers came from this year.

Using Google Analytics I can tell where my readers are located at. Yup, I am creeping on you.

This year I had people from 159 different countries visit the blog, however my U.S. readers are by far the most active. This graph shows where you are all from. The darker the green the most people visited.  Since I am passionate about agriculture and sharing information about the food farmers raise I thought it would be fun to share an ag fact from the top five states. 

1. Texas
Texas is known for their beef right? That's because they lead the country in beef production with 13.86 million head. Did you know that the hide from one beef animal can make 20 footballs or 12 basketballs or 18 soccer balls or 144 baseballs. Click here to read more.

2. Kansas
Kansas is a huge producer of wheat. However, when I was in the state last week they are going to need some snow or rain as the winter wheat crops did not look very good, and that isn't a good thing for us. Farmers need to produce a lot of wheat each year as approximately three-quarters of U.S. grain products are made from wheat. Click here to read more.

3. California
Did you know that there are more than 400 different crops grown in California. Almonds is one of those crops, and it's also one of the crops that is only grown in California. Want to meet an almond farmer? Check out this post from The Farm Vet.

4. Iowa
I am glad that my home state made the Top Five list! Iowa is known for all of our corn, but did you also know that we lead the nation in growing soybeans, raising pork and producing eggs. Today an Iowa farmer feeds about 155 people, during the 80's it was about 80 people. Click here to read more.

5. Illinois
It looks like our neighbors have been reading my blog too. I thought that it was really interesting to learn that Illinois has more than 950 food manufacturing companies in the state. That means that they can take the food that farmers are growing and turn it into products that your family enjoys. Click here to read more.

Thank you to all the people from around the country, continent and world that have been reading. Start sharing with your friends and maybe you'll be in the Top Five Crystal Cattle States next year.

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