Monday 24 March 2014

Obama why don't you eat a steak

I've got a bone to pick. 

This post may ruffle a few feathers. It's probably a bad idea to publish this post, but why not? The ole Crystal Cattle blog is due for a little excitement every once in awhile.

Let me start off by saying I REALLY dislike buffalo and their bison meat, a lot. No offense to buffalo farmers and ranchers, but I don't think your product makes much sense. Yes, herds of buffalo once fed the Native Americans quite well, however we now have this red meat call beef.

Why I personally feel beef is superior.

1. Beef is a more consistent product, that has quality guidelines. It is called the USDA Beef Grading System. When you buy a Choice steak you've got a pretty good idea of what you are getting. If you buy a Select steak you know the quality will be less, but you are also paying less. (Make sure you cook those Select cuts of beef a little slower and longer, or try marinades as their is less marbling in a Select steak).

2. Your buffalo are taking up room that my cattle could have. Yes, I know that is a really compelling argument.

3. Steak > bison

Why I am I even bringing up this subject other than please don't try and feed me the stuff if we are out to supper together. Today is Mr. Obama's inaugural lunch. It will include steamed lobster, potatoes, apple pie and grilled bison. Mr. Obama in 2009 47.8% of the dollars consumers spend on meat was spent on beef, in 2010 cattle contributed to 15.6% of all agriculture cash receipts, in 2011 then beef industry generated $44 billion in farm gate receipts.

Do you think you could maybe throw some beef on your plate?

Additional note: I found this article that talks about many of the Presidents' inaugural dinners, and many of them have not included beef. I hope whoever we get in 2017 steps up to the plate.

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