Saturday 22 March 2014

The Fake Holiday I Used to Celebrate.

Have you heard of Fake Patty's Day? I have, and for many years it was the highlight of my spring. You see in Manhattan, KS the weekend before Spring Break/the real St. Patrick's Day there is holiday called Fake Patty's Day. It involves activities such as kegs and eggs, green beer, Louisville Slugger, Pita Pit, green togas, doing the KSU chant on table tops and all kinds of other shenanigans that can go down in a college town, and I was there to celebrate. It was really quite a clever idea that the Aggieville Bar Association put together to generate a little more business before everyone else for Spring Break.

The memories created from the weekend are some of my very favorite college memories. I made a return for a couple Fake Patty's Day post graduation. The funny thing was that during this time I thought every college town celebrated this glorious day. I was wrong. It was Manhattan's own little secret.

As Saturday approached I began to see the posts on Facebook, and sense an excitement in the air. And even though some of my alumni friends still took part my life is a little different now. 1. It's a 7.5 hour drive to Manhattan, 2. The Boy was at the state bowling tournament, so that meant I was chore girl this weekend, 3. we had a couple cows due to calve, and 4. I don't know if my body could handle such an event anymore.

So instead of feeling sad that I was missing Fake Patty's Day I looked back on the photos that we took, and prayed that our future children never hear the stories of that weekend. It made me very thankful that I try to live life to fullest and don't have any regrets. Yes, some bad decisions were made that weekend and probably college in general but they were learning lessons. I wouldn't exchange the memories and the fun for anything.

 Plus, the new baby calf we got this weekend is pretty darn cute.

Here she is all ooey and gooey. 

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