Friday 28 March 2014

Turquoise Thursday: Country Outfitter Stop Posting Pictures

We are pleading with you. 

A while ago I liked Country Outfitters on Facebook. Simply put they hands down have the biggest, most amazing variety of cowboy boots. I want to own them all. They take me on these incredible highs, squeals of excitement and then I have to jump off the cloud and tell myself Crystal you can not get yourself another pair of boots (yet). 

So what do I do when I really like something but know I shouldn't buy it. I blog about it. Hoping that one of my readers might treat themselves and I therefore can live through you. Your husbands can thank me for helping you spend your money instead of my own. 

I blame my friend Jenny. I had no idea that these Corral Turquoise Floral Tool boots even existed until she posted them on my Crystal Cattle Facebook Page. Now I can't stop starring. Corral you do a mighty fine job with your boots. 

Next the Ariat Cabrella Cowboy Boot. Just enough turquoise to make me happy, and yet still be practical. 

You want turquoise, you've got it. Another great turquoise boot from Corral

And finally I end with these. Turquoise, copper and black. Cowboy Boot perfection. 

Now whose is getting their credit cards out. 

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