Monday 31 March 2014

101 Update: Pinterest do and don't recipes

Working on my inner DIYer.

Who is a Pinterest fanatic? I am, I am, I am. A big part of my addiction is the recipe section. And since trying 10 new recipes was a 101 in 1001 goal of mine Pinterest was the perfect place to scope out new recipes.

However, things don't always turn out like those perfect food photography shots. So here a few ratings on my latest Pinterest recipe tries.

                                                                   Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Raspberry Delight: A++++
This recipe has been so far my biggest Pinterest success. I have made it twice already and people are asking for it again. Winner. You can find the recipe here.

                                                                        Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Balsamic and Brown Sugar Grilled Strawberries: B
They were ok. I think I'll stick with grilling peaches as my fruit of choice. They kind of tasted like strawberry jam, and they make your grill really sticky.

                                                                Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Watermelon and Strawberry Lemonade: A
I forgot to take a picture of this when I made it, but I loved this recipe. (Maybe it was the vodka I added). It is a little unusual to drink watermelon. There is definitely a texture to the drink, but I really enjoyed it.

                                                                 Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Rachel Ray's Southwestern Chili Con Queso Pasta Bake: B+
The recipe was pretty good, but not nearly as good as the picture looked. It makes a huge quantity so in our two person household we had tons of leftovers. Also, it definitely has some kick to it. I would probably turn back the amount of jalepeno I and chili powder used next time.

                                                                          Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Crock Pot Cheesy Ravioli Recipe: C
I was hoping this recipe would really turn out and would be a good option for me to make at the state fair. However, I don't think this recipe tasted any better than boiling Ravioli and pouring sauce on top of it. I cooked the recipe the minimum amount of time and it was still quite mushy. This won't be a repeat recipe in our house. 

What Pinterest successes have you had? Did you know that there is a website called Pinterst Fail? Definitely worth checking out. 

Also, there has been a lot of discussion on my blog post yesterday about USDA School Lunches. I hope you'll check it out and weigh in. Happy Wednesday! 

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