Sunday 30 March 2014

Real life watermelon feeds and Farm Bureau

Stepping out of the box.

Last night one of the best events of the year was held at my alma mater, Kansas State. It is called Watermelon Feed. Tables upon tables line the lawn of Weber Hall (where the majority of my agriculture classes and livestock judging team practices were held). And at each table is a different club or campus organization you can join. All you have to do is say hi, ask some questions and write your email down and boom you are involved. And then you eat watermelon.

College days are far behind the Boy and I now, and unfortunately there is no Watermelon Feed. I am a pretty outgoing person, however it can be intimidating to get involved in a new community. Especially, when I am used to taking the lead, and I'm finding that a lot of the groups I am interested in are interested in are doing things the same ole, same ole.

However, today I feel like I made a break through. The Boy and I are officially members of the Iowa Farm Bureau and I am hoping to find a new community in this group. I want to 1. make a difference, 2. give back, and 3. be a leader. These things are important to me, and I think most people my age (that would be the upper 20s age bracket) would feel the same.

For those people that are well established in your communities remember that some of us are craving to be apart of something bigger we just need direction, or need to be asked because sometimes it is hard to know what is out there.

And for those of you that are like me. I am finding that you won't always be able to find an email address or twitter handle to get in touch with a contact person. Sometimes you have to pick up the phone or walk into a meeting not knowing what you are getting yourself into.

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