Sunday 23 March 2014

101 Update: Meeting your blogging friends in person

It's been a crazy few days as I have been jumping from one state to the next. However, it has also meant getting to meet/make some new friends.

On the weekend I attended the Kansas Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference. It was pretty cool to have more than 500 young famers come together to learn how to be better business people and raise better food for you - the consumer! While at the conference I spoke in one of the sessions on social media (blogging, Twitter, Instagram, and all that fun stuff).

Just before the conference I got a Facebook message from Janet Phillips, of A Farm Wife's Life, saying that she would be attending too! I was so excited that Janet and I would finally get to meet face-to-face as we have been reading each others blogs for awhile now.

 Me and Janet
She had lots of great turquoise on. 

When Janet came up she went in for the handshake, but I had to give her a hug. I mean I felt like we were already friends! I do not think this is creepy ;) Plus, Janet just helped me get a step closer to goal 58 on my 101 in 1001 list. 

Recently, I started to read a blog called Boots and Bling - How Kat and Tim Do Rural. I have no idea how I even stumbled onto the blog, but as soon as I saw their K-State picture I knew I would like these people. At the conference Kat realized that I would be there speaking and she came and tracked me down.

Kat's cute necklace. 
I was instantly was drawn to the turquoise on the heel. Kat said he husband bought her the charms to go with her Boots and Heels blog theme. Sweet guy. 

I love social media because it has allowed me to connect with so many amazing people. Sometimes I relate to their day-to-days lives, others give me fashion inspirations and some have become valuable resources in times when the Boy and I have questions about things that we need to improve or work on at the farm. 

If you could meet any of your blogger/twitter/instagram friends who would it be? 

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