Tuesday 25 March 2014

Week of Instagram: Beef Charts and Grilled Cheese

Variety is the spice of life.

There is quite a mix of Instagram pictures from this past week. In seven days I managed to be four states and one province which allows you to see a lot of different things along the way.

This was the giant beef chart that I found at the Kansas State Fairgrounds. I was there working at a cattle show. Wouldn't it be cool to have this one your wall! Your beef cooking instructions would be right there. For some smaller versions check out this post I did on beef charts awhile ago. 

Our small town doesn't have a Panera so while traveling I decided to stop in and enjoy some soup. I love soup! However the Big Kid Grilled Cheese caught my eye. If you are anywhere close to a Panera run there right now and order this because it is amazing. It also has bacon on it. Perfection. 

I mentioned that I was in a province this week, that's because I made a quick trip home to Alberta to surprise my sister on her wedding dress shopping weekend. I can't show any pictures of the dress so I figured a picture of one of her cows was the next best thing. This cow's name is Elle. She originated from Kentucky but I think she likes her Alberta home now. Currently, Iowa is completely brown but it is about to look a lot more like this picture. They are calling for 8-12 inches of snow tonight!

And now for a big thank you! I reached 1,300 followers on my instagram account! There has been a lot of controversy about instagram's terms of use, but I am not going anywhere as of right now. So look CrystalCattle up and let me know your username. 

Now for the part you have been waiting for, the winner of the Boot Barn Shopping Spree

Janet, you are our winner! Please email me (you'll find my info under the contact tab) and I will get you all the details of your prize!

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