Friday 28 March 2014

Happy Thanksgiving, nope I am not early

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow, October 8, is Canadian Thanksgiving. Back home my mom is preparing a big Thanksgiving meal for our family. Differences in Canadian Thanksgiving and American Thanksgiving - not much. I like to tell people it got colder in Canada sooner so the English and French settlers needed the help of the Native people much sooner, thus Thanksgiving in October.

I looked back at last year's Thanksgiving post and I have a lot to be thankful for.

1. Family
Last year I had a fiancé, this year I have the most amazing husband and best friend ever. Today the Boy and I are celebrating our six month anniversary. (I'm going to post some more wedding pictures this week). Also, our family is growing. My sister is now engaged and will be married this time next year. More cousins are married. And I have a few new second cousins. I have a family both far and near that support me and love me.

2. Work
This coming week will mark my first year with the new company, and I couldn't be happier. I am mentored by an incredible lady, have awesome co-workers and I was given the opportunity to work from home. I can have the career I have always wanted while still living in rural America. I think that is awesome.

3. We have a farm
The Boy and I both have office jobs, but we are growing our farm. I think this fall it is really coming together. In this last year we bought a trailer, bought a herd bull, actually bid on cattle at sales, took home banners from the State Fair, started in to the freezer beef business and sold heifers that will be shown by juniors (kids) this coming year. Cattle are our passion and I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to fulfill our dreams.

So Happy Thanksgiving. Feel free to bake yourself a pumpkin pie and celebrate with us!

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