Friday 4 April 2014

Speaking with a Princess

Today's a big day

If you are up bright and early like me this morning, you are reading this as I am traveling through Nebraska and into Kansas. Yesterday, I traveled across Iowa and part of Nebraska. Usually, I would be able to say something like big blue sky and wide open spaces. However, it POURED a good part of the way. If you are wondering what farmers do when it is raining and can't plant crops then check out the Boy's blog - awesome video.

However, I am now getting way off track. I am really excited about today because I am headed to the Women in Ag conference put on by the Rockin' Rural Women of Norton Farm Bureau to give a little presentation. You know what is even cooler? I get to speak with former Miss American Teresa Scanlan. Yeah, remember that post about her winning Miss America and how I superimposed my face over her's - not creepy or anything.

I can't wait to meet all the fabulous women who are taking a day off the farm to network, share and learn together. Plus, it gives me an excuses to wear a little more jewelry than normal and put on my fancy cowboy boots. Now, that the wedding is over it is fair game. I can wear those wedding day boots everywhere!

Hope you have a fabulous day, and an even better weekend friends!

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