Thursday 17 April 2014

Social Media Friends Katie Pinke

Now we really are friends

In my last social media friends profile, I featured James Decker, someone that I have connected with through social media, but never have met in real life. Today, it is Katie Pinke's turn, and we HAVE met before. I first knew Katie through her blog Pinke Post, then Twitter, and now the awesome facebook group Rural Women Rock. In August Katie was coming through Kansas City and we got to meet face to face for the first time.
Our first meeting. I laughed and told some friends it was like a blind date! p.s. Katie had some awesome turquoise pieces like that cardigan and a beautiful turquoise bracelet. 
We had a blast. I mean Jack Stack BBQ, to blonde gals, and lots of conversation about agriculture and social media, who wouldn't have a good time. Plus, Katie is a MAC make-up girl like me. Friends for life!

And with that I bring you Katie. I hope from each of these posts you learn a little more about social media, and gets to know another farmer or someone that is involved in agriculture.

1. Name and where you are from 
Katie Pinke, Wishek, North Dakota

2. A little bit about your agriculture background

Agriculture is just who I am although I didn't really grasp it until I was an adult. My family farms in east central ND which we call GriggsDakota . I'm the first of the 5th generation and my son is the first of the 6th generation. We raise 6-7 different crops and my uncle operates a cow/calf operation alongside with grandparents. I lived on the farm as a young professional with my son. After getting married, my husband, son and I made a drastic life change when my husband jumped off the corporate wheel. We moved from Fargo, ND back to his hometown in the heart of a rural agriculture area in south central North Dakota. My husband, Nathan, owns and operates a lumberyard, planning and general contractor business with his parents who started the business in 1977. Nathan is the four generation builder. The chest of carpentry tools that his Great-Grandpa Henry brought through Ellis Island from Germany still are in our lumberyard today. Our building business is definitely a big part of the agriculture community as most of our business is from farmers and for the ag industry. Agriculture is our livelihood. We bought some land and built a house in a hayfield where we raise our family of five now. Our kids are ages 14, 3 and 2.  We make frequent trips to our GriggsDakota farm where my parents farm 2 1/2 hours north of us. 

Professionally, I work remotely for an agriculture focused marketing communications firm, AdFarm. (video of me talking of my work on link)
3. What is your favorite social media platform or tool?
Hard question. Only 8% of Americans are on Twitter but I love my different Twitter communities. It's a unique connection builder. My favorite social media platform though is my blog, Pinke Post. It captures all that I am as a prairie working mom. I have been blogging for what will be 4 years this fall and I have over 700 blog posts. It's truly my journal and I met connected with so many amazing people through it. My blog enriches my life beyond anything I could have ever dreamed or known. 

4. When using Twitter what hashtag do you like following or using the best?
I have SO many I love to follow. I don't follow the "ag" related hash tags much unless I need to for work. I try to connect with #foodies #recipes #workmom and others that have similar interests to me outside of agriculture. I follow other key words also like fresh produce, local farms, California farmers for our client Know A California Farmer #kacf

5. Give us your favorite agriculture fact?

I have about 100 favorites ag facts! Here's one though: 
Katie, also does the best Hunk
of Meat Mondays posts.
North Dakota is #1 in numerous agriculture products but being #1 in barley production is unique for me because our GriggsDakota farm contracts barley to Anheuser-Busch which makes us #1 in beer. However...I hate beer so I don't really celebrate this fact literally but I know a lot of beer drinkers that do. 

6. What is your favorite smartphone app and why?
I don't do a lot on my phone with apps because I'm on a Blackberry for work and TALK on my phone a lot. I use UberSocial for Twitter though and it's great.

7. If we want to follow you, like you, tweet you where should we go?
Anything else you would like to add?
Social media has transformed how I gather information and communicate. I am truly thankful for the relationships and connections I have made through social media. Thanks for being one of those connections and relationships Crystal! My love for cattle AND turquoise has definitely grown because of reading your blog and connecting with you. 

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