Friday 18 April 2014

Social Media Friends - James Decker


It is amazing the number of people that I have connected with via my blog, Twitter, social media. People that I call my friends, yet we have never met in real life. I wanted to do a Q&A with a few of them. Not only because they are really interesting people, but they also have some good advice for us.

Let's start off with James Decker. James and I crossed paths through Twitter and here's what he had to say.

1. Name and where you are from 
James Decker – Stamford, Texas

2. A little bit about your agriculture background
Descended from dryland sharecroppers and cotton/wheat farmers; personal background through my youth and the present day in wheat farming; returned to my hometown to open up a law practice dedicated to serving agriculture producers, rural landowners, and rural business; also engaged in grass roots efforts for rural development and beautification, co-founder of the blog.

3. What is your favorite social media platform or tool?
Twitter – it is an efficient, practical, and handy way to connect across the world to develop friendships, build business and professional relationships, and share ideas between like-minded people in a way that was simply unimaginable just a few years ago.

4. When using Twitter what hashtag do you like following or using the best?
#agchat because it provides a great “jumping off point” for networking in agriculture and obtaining data and resources

5. Give us your favorite agriculture fact?
Agriculture producers are the most efficient, resilient, and productive members of the economy. A tiny fraction of the American population grows enough food to feed the booming population of the entire country and this group of people does that in the face of soaring input costs, uncooperative weather, ever-burdening laws and regulations, and declining amounts of available land.

6. What is your favorite smartphone app and why?
The “Twitter for iPhone” app is the most handy and useful social media app I have, but as a huge baseball fan, the “MLB At Bat 11” provides me great enjoyment and entertainment throughout the season.

7. If we want to follow you, like you, tweet you where should we go?
I can be found on Twitter here: @jamesdecker2006, on Facebook here: and blogging about rural issues at

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