Thursday 10 April 2014

Quick update surrounded by Kleenex

Hello friends. 

Well, as promised I'm going to get back to blogging very soon. Since the beginning of the month I have been in five different state, six if you count the quick layover I had in the Dallas airport. A big chunk of that time was spent at one of my favorite events of the year the National Western Stock Show. (You can read about one of my cab rides here).

NWSS is an opportunity for cattlemen and stockman from around the United States, and many from Canada too, to exhibit and market their cattle. For me it is a chance to view these incredible genetics in person and catch up with family and friends. NWSS is also so sweet to provide the opportunity to catch something called the Denver Crud. It is a sneaky little cold that I thought I had escaped this year, but two days after leaving the stockyards, bam I am sick so is the boy.

So while I pump the vitamin C, B12 (I asked the boy why I couldn't just eat a steak), Mucinex, and Tylenol, the blogging might be a few more days delayed. Thanks for understanding.

A picture of the Yards in Denver.

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