Saturday 5 April 2014

Happy Anniversary Crystal Cattle Blog

My little blog is growing up. 

Today, I am skipping out on Turquoise Thursday because I wanted to say thank you to all my friends, family, and readers. This week I am celebrating three years of blogging. I think have certainly evolved since my very first post

Last week, I found the Stress Case blog, and she was encouraging people to tell why they blog. So here are my top reasons:

1. I love the community of friends that I have built through my blog, and social media. Many of the people I connect with I have never met in real life, but I certainly consider them friends. It is wonderful to have such a cool, smart, and unique support system. The Boy and I have even received a couple wedding gifts from these sweet blogging friends! 

2. I want to be able to share agriculture with others. Whether that is the consumer who wants to ask questions about food and farming, or if it other farmers and ranchers that are looking for ways to share their stories. I love connecting with all sectors that are involved in our food chain. 

3. I get to share my love of turquoise, fashion, fab finds with you, without actually having to buy anything! This window/blog shopping is much more friendly to my bank.

4. Blogging has opened up other opportunities for me. It has allowed to speak at more conferences, and help train organization members which is a big goal of mine. It has allowed me to become involved in agvocacy on a larger level. It has allowed to me have my own column in a livestock magazine. Blogging has certainly opened doors for me and I am grateful for that. 

Why do you blog? And if you don't blog why do you enjoy reading them?

I hope you have a fantastic week, and I promise next week I'll share some of the turquoise honeymoon clothes I'll be sporting in Hawaii.

 Why We Blog Week

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