Tuesday 15 April 2014

FFA Convention and lots of new friends

FFA + Friendship

Last week I was in Indianapolis for my very first National FFA Convention experience, and it was awesome. I was there will be new company and we were launching a brand new rewards program. Throughout the week I had the opportunity to meet tons of my social media friends! Similar to when I met Katie Pinke it was awesome to finally meet some of these people face to face.

Morgan (@MMuller24) follows my blog, and is from Iowa. It was so fun to meet lots of people from Iowa since I'll be calling it home very soon!

Heyley Heupel (@heyleyheupel) was competing at National FFA. It was so much fun to chat to these girls. It is pretty clear that FFA members have their heads on straight. Big goals and aspirations with the tools to get there. 

One night we had some fun at Howl at the Moon, and this was wrote on one of the mirrors. I guess advocacy can show up in the strangest places. 

Now these were probably the two most photo genetic FFA members I met. @NEBenOhio tells me that is is the jacket that makes so photo genetic! @CarolineWeihl is the Ohio State FFA District 1President aka a pretty big deal. Someone needs to give this girl an amazing internship this summer. 

I was able to stop by the K-State College of Ag booth while I was there, and they gave me a little flair. 

And while at the K-State booth I worked on recruiting another Iowa friend Bobbi to get her master's at K-State. I told her the green screen could help her "visualize" herself at K-State. 

There was also Kelli, she was there as a Media Intern. I'm also going to see her next week at the American Royal. Another really talented Ag Communications gal that needs a rocking internship this summer.  

 And Drew, who is an ag teacher in Ohio. He's also great help at suggesting great places to eat in Indy. 

Katie Pinke and I got to reunite, along with a first time meeting of Leah Beyer. She is a really cool gal, I think a Rockin' Rural Women kind of girl best explains her. More of RRW to come soon. Leah is also the mastermind behind Hunk of Meat Mondays

 And @NellieHill a fellow K-Stater and the girl behind @kstateag She was the first one to come over to the booth and surprise me! I also get pumped when I meet other K-Staters.

And the very last person who stopped by the booth was @JakeKnutson. I've been following Jake on Instagram for awhile and I love the pictures that him and his brother post. Jake was there a proficiency finalist, which also makes him a pretty big deal. Jake's excitement is contagious and you can tell that he has a true passion for livestock and agriculture through his picture.  

I know that I have missed a few people, but I loved meeting all of you! Next time you are at an event, convention or meeting don't be afraid to seek out your online friends. Having conversation in real life is even better than what you type out on your keyboard.

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