Tuesday 1 April 2014

Crystal Cattle is MIA

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed that I fell off the face of the Earth for most of July. Just so you know the following things that did not happen to me. 

A. I won a million dollars and ran away to an inhibited island
B. I travelled to Canada and was kidnapped by polar bears
C. I decided that Internet was useless, and staged a revolution

Things that did happen. 

I got really busy. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all get busy" is probably what you are saying. So what was I so busy doing? 

1. I went to six different different national cattle events. What are these all about? They are week long cattle shows, where young cattlemen have the opportunity to not only show their cattle, but to also compete in educational contests. My husband was very glad I was home after five weeks on the road. 

My trusty luggage that traveled all over the country with me. 
A good friend of mine showing. Their family is from California and they were reserve overall at one of the shows. 
My on my very last flight of the summer. 
2. I began working on my residency paperwork. Someday, I'll write a whole post on this. But the quick version is: I'm originally from Canada, I have had worked visas in the past, I got married this spring, and now I am applying for residency. 

That's the stack of paperwork that has to be filled out.
3. We've been trying to get lots of work done on our own farm. The Boy was a trooper through June and July taking care of everything at home and on the farm by himself. However, now that I am back it is time to kick things into gear. We are getting cattle ready for the Iowa State Fair. This means brushing, washing and teaching the cattle to lead - basically a lot of time a the barn. And because of how hot it has been we usually don't start this work until after supper. Long days. 

To reward you, and to entice you to all start reading again I think we should have a giveaway. How about a boot giveaway! Tune in tomorrow and you'll get all the details. Plus, leave me a comment. I would love to hear how your summer has been. 

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