Friday 11 April 2014

Cheese is a vegetable

Food chat from a Boy

The Boy and I have been successfully living together for more than two months now, and we love it. It is always interesting when two people come together to live under one roof and begin to share their life philosophies with each other - like cheese is a vegetable. 

Yes, the Boy believes that cheese is a vegetable and that things like brocolli is in the gross stuff category. You see the Boy isn't a big vegetable fan, although I'll give him credit that his tastes have expanded greatly since we started dating. 

One thing we do agree on is that we love cheese. If you were to look in our fridge right now you would find two bags of Parmesan, Monetary Jack, Italian and Mozzarella. There is also cottage cheese (his not mind), cream cheese, sour cream, sour cream taco dip, yogurt and milk -  yeah we are dairy fans. 

Since we have an abundance of cheese the Boy has declared that we can just subsitiute cheese into our diet as a vegetable. Probably not a great plan, but a great way to support dairy farmers. 

Any food disagreements that your family has?

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