Tuesday 8 April 2014

An Award and a Winner

Drumroll please. 

I hope you have all had a great weekend. The Boy and I have spent a ton of time at the barn working on the two Hereford heifers and bull that we will be selling at the Iowa Beef Expo next week. You can view the videos that I took of them on the JJB Cattle Co. blog.

Anyhoo, it is time to announce the winner from my Turquoise Thursday Notecard giveaway and I was nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award by Farm Chic Logic because of this post, so I have to complete a few questions.

First the winner is...

Sarah from The House that Ag Built! Be sure to check out Sarah's blog. She recently posted these delicious Mason Jar Pies! Sarah, under my About Me is my email. Shoot me your address and I'll get these in the mail for you. 

Now onto the Versatile Blogger Award Questions. Thanks you Farm Chic Logic for thinking of me!

7 Tidbits about Me
1. I love pickles, and you can find the best fried pickles at So Long's Saloon in Manhattan, KS.
2. I am a Nikon camera girl, but am now learning how to use a Canon because that is what I have for work. My goal is to be proficient with both brands.  
3. I am getting married to my best friend in 62 days and I can't wait. 
4. I get addicted to saving money. I'll still go out shopping, but I get a high from getting a deal or watching my savings account rise. 
5. I'm horrible at finishing books. I don't know how many I have started and have yet to finish. 
6. I am crazy about make-up like other girls are crazy about shoes. MAC is my favorite brand.
7. I can't stand the noise of other people clipping their nails. I can do my own just fine. 
Enjoy the last part of your weekend. And get excited about the next because I have another giveaway in store for you! 

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