Sunday 6 April 2014

101 in 1001 update.

Hello folks. 

What have I bean up to recently? Well our wedding is around the corner, and I promise afterwards I'll have tons of pictures to share. My sister and I spend the weekend in Vegas, pictures of that to come as well. And it is definitely springtime at the farm. There are babies everywhere. Tonight should be an interesting adventure as we round up the calves and put their ear tags in. (An ear tag is like an picture earring that has identification information on it.)

13. Go see a play or musical - Crazy Horse in Vegas
My sister and I had been to Peep Show before, so we decided to go to the iconic Vegas Crazy Horse Show this time. As expected there was a lot of nakedness, but it was more cheesy than I expected. I was glad that we bought discounted tickets.

14. Eat at a new restaurant - Cu in Waterloo, Iowa
The Boy took me to this steakhouse for supper. The vibe of the restaurant and the presentation of the food was awesome. The food got an A.

37. Teach myself something new - I Skyped
In February I had the opportunity to talk to the Kansas State agriculture magazine class by Skype. It was wonderful to be able to connect with K-Staters while sitting in my office in Iowa. Although, a trip to Aggieville would have been a good bonus.

In progress...

39. Continue to learn about corn
I am so excited about this. A good friend called me up last week and we've been brain storming. I can't wait to share with you what we have come up with. I can reassure you it is going to be a lot of fun!

51. Book 8 speaking gigs
In April I will be speaking at a Kansas Farm Bureau event along side the former Miss American Teresa Scanlan. I am so excited to have this opportunity!

Are you working on your list? Remember - "You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough people get what they want," - Zig Ziglar

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