Tuesday 18 March 2014

Rivini Wedding Dresses and Hereford Heifers

In April 2012 the Boy and I got hitched. It is hard to believe that a year and a half has gone by since our wedding. Of course a big part of your day is your wedding dress. I first saw my dress on the famous Say Yes to the Dress television show, and then found it in Chicago. The dress was from the Rivini line of wedding dresses.

Fast forward to February 2013 the Boy and are were in the middle of calving season and looking for heifer calf names. A lot of thought goes into our calf’s names. The Boy tends to like song lyrics especially from Kayne West. My name ideas come from a variety of areas of inspiration. While we were looking at this little red and white heifer calf we were stumped on a name. And that’s when Rivini popped into my name.

The Boy had no idea what “Rivini” was, so I explained it was the brand of my wedding dress and Rivini it was.

Fast forward to late summer. Rivini the Hereford Heifer was growing, and Rivini the wedding dress maker found my blog post about my wedding dress and asked to post it to their Facebook page. I was flattered they wanted to feature my dress. When they posted the blog to their Facebook page I also let them know that we named a heifer name Rivini.

And so Rivini the Hereford Heifer’s fame has begun. Yesterday, they shared one of my Instagram pictures with their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers. I think she looked pretty good next to their beautiful wedding dresses.

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