Monday 28 November 2011

Minestrone Soup is a Once in a Lifetime Experience

I always feel a little apprehensive when I post a recipe like this minestrone soup. It’s the type of dish I never make the same way twice, and the fear is that someone will watch and assume that this is my “official” version.

You don’t need a recipe for minestrone, just like you don’t need a recipe for a great sandwich, or an epic salad. To make minestrone soup precisely same way every time, using a very specific list of ingredients and amounts, is to trample on the soul of this Italian classic.

Having said all that, what if you happen to make it so incredibly delicious one time that you want to experience the exact same shuddering soupgasm in the future? That seems like a perfectly sound reason for why you should write down the recipe…except cooking food doesn’t work that way.

Your perception of how a recipe tastes involves so many factors above and far beyond the list of ingredients. Remember that time you made that super awesome whatever, and it was so perfect, and then you made it again, exactly the same way, but somehow it just didn’t taste as great? This is why.

So, I hope you give this amazing minestrone recipe a try soon…but only once. Enjoy!

3 oz pancetta
2 tbsp olive oil
1 diced onion
1 cup diced celery
4 minced garlic cloves
4 cups chicken broth
1 (28-oz) can plum tomatoes, crushed fine
2 cups water, plus more as needed
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp dried Italian herb blend (mine was thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil)
red pepper flakes to taste
1 cup freshly shucked cranberry beans (aka shelling beans)
2 or 3 cups chopped cabbage
1 (15-oz) can garbanzo beans, drained
1 bunch swiss chard, chopped
2/3 cup raw ditalini pasta
extra virgin olive oil, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and fresh Italian parsley to garnish the top

Sunday 27 November 2011

Rum Baller, Shot Caller?

I was playing with some rum balls today, for a video next week, and the first one I pulled off the silpat left this perfect chocolate smiley face. That has to be a great sign, right?

Saturday 26 November 2011

Smoked Ham and Butternut Squash Spaghetti – Short on Daylight, Long on Flavor

I never film at night, since I don’t like the look of the video when I use artificial lights. Sure, I could actually learn how to use a real lighting kit, but it’s easier for my simple brain to just film during the day.

However, once in a great while, I’ll starting making something, like this smoked ham and butternut squash spaghetti, that looks like it’s going to be so good that I don’t care about lighting quality, and film it anyway.

Other than this less-than-subtle warning about the lighting quality, there’s not a lot to say about this simple and very delicious winter pasta. It will work with literally any type of ham or smoked sausage; and as I mention in the video, bacon would also shine.

Despite the rich and decadent mascarpone, the sauce is actually pretty light when you consider much of the sauce is really just chicken broth and squash. By the way, I didn’t add it, but I think a squeeze of fresh lemon juice at the end would have been a great idea. I hope you give this hearty pasta a try soon. Enjoy!

14 oz package dry spaghetti
2 tbsp olive oil
4 oz thinly slice smoked ham
3-4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
red chili flakes to taste
1 1/2 to 2 cups chicken broth, or as needed
3 cups diced butternut squash
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup mascarpone cheese
1-2 tbsp chopped Italian parsley
freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

Know Your Cheese

As most of your know, I LOVE cheese, and two of the most commonly used varieties in my kitchen are fresh mozzarella, and mascarpone. In addition to this recipe, I’ve used mascarpone in several recent videos, and received numerous inquires as to which brand I used.

My usual go-to brand is Galbani, so I was thrilled when Michele and I were recently invited to an event hosted by Lactalis Foodservice. Along with Galbani, Lactalis owns many of markets’ top cheese brands, such as President, Sorrento, and Precious, just to name a few.

This Chef’s Table event was held at Farina, San Francisco, and not only did we enjoy a very nice meal, but we got to talk directly to the people making the cheese. One reason I love shopping at Farmers Markets is that you get to meet the people producing the food you’re about to cook, but it’s not often you get the same experience for a product you buy at the supermarket.

Here are a few highlights from the evening.

Pardon the poor quality photo, but I just had to show this Foccacia di Recco, featuring Galbani’s Bel Paese. It’s sort of like a stuffed pizza, which uses a very basic, unleavened bread dough that’s rolled, spun, and stretched very thin, before being stuffed with the creamy cheese. It’s baked in a very hot oven, where it puffs up, and gets crispy on the outside, while the inside stays soft and cheesy. It was awesome, and something I must figure out how to make!
Chef at Farina spinning the dough for the Foccacia di Recco. By the way, the videographer seen here is my friend Vincent McConeghy, a fellow western New Yorker, and author of the novel, Gastro Detective.

This was my favorite course of the night. A golden and red beet timbale with Istara Petit Basque and shaved black truffles. What glorious combination of flavors!

I want to thank Lactalis Foodservice for hosting such a fun evening, and the chefs at Farina for taking such good care of us! For those of you that requested more info about the mascarpone cheese, you can check out the official website here. Grazie!

Friday 25 November 2011

On the Scene with Turkey Ballotine

I got a few of emails from people curious about how I ended up doing my turkey this year. Well, here you go! For the first time, I decided to serve a classic turkey ballotine. 

I removed all the bones, applied a generous layer of herbs and spices, and then some buttery, cranberry bread stuffing. I rolled, tied it up, and slowly roasted it until I had the crispy-skinned beauty you see below. It was so good!

Another highlight was this crisp and colorful winter salad of apples, pears, persimmons, pomegranate, walnuts, and Pt. Reyes blue cheese. When served with the meal, the green salad is usually lost in a sea of side dishes, and becomes nothing more than an afterthought. This time we decided to use it as a separate course to start the meal. It’s nice for doing toasts and giving thanks, since you don’t have to worry about food getting cold. After the salad, we took a short break while the rest of the meal was finished and served. 

I was so preoccupied with the food, I didn’t get many photos of the rest of the items, but we had a great dinner, and used several of the recipes you’ve seen posted on the blog. By the way, I’ll be back with a brand new winter pasta recipe video tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving weekend, and give my sincerest thanks for all the amazing support you give to this blog. I hope you're all fortunate enough to be able to enjoy a wonderful meal with your family today, and hopefully a few of our recipes found their way on to the table.

I'll be taking a few days off and getting away from the computer, so my apologies if I'm not able to respond to those last minute questions and comments. Have a great weekend, and as always, enjoy!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

K.I.S.S. Turkey

After being inspired by watching dozens of celebrity chefs' favorite turkey techniques over the last few days, I decided to show a turkey being prepared using none of them. This goes out to all you terrified first timers whose heads are probably spinning with cryptic visions of brining, rubbing, marinating, injecting, smoking, and frying.

This also goes out to you grizzled veterans who realize the turkey is  nothing more than an edible centerpiece; merely an excuse to surround ourselves with the most delicious and decadent side dishes and desserts possible.

I’m not saying that all those tips and tricks aren’t worthwhile; they are, and I’ve used many of them at one time or another, but the fact remains that if you simply buy a great bird, rub it with a some butter, season it generously, and slow roast it – you’ll have a perfectly wonderful tasting turkey with magazine cover good looks.

Having said that, I don't really expect most of you to just settle for such a primitive method, but the point here is that you could if you wanted to. If you do decide to first use whatever brines, marinades, and/or spice rubs strike your fancy, this roasting method will still work very nicely. By the way, if you need it, check out this gravy post for what to do with all those pan drippings. Enjoy!

12-24 pound turkey
seasoning salt: salt, black pepper, and cayenne
3 tbsp butter
4 springs of rosemary
1/2 bunch sage leaves
1 onion
1 carrot
1 celery rib
*Roast at 325 degrees F. for about 15 min/per pound or until an internal temp of 175 degrees F.

Monday 21 November 2011

Make-Ahead Mascarpone Mashed Potatoes – Holiday Trick and Treat

I thought I was posting a video to show off the advantages of doing mashed potatoes ahead of time, but then I realized all that was nothing more than a diversion to distract you from the fact that I’m really trying to trick you into using an alternative to the standard holiday potato side dish.

These mascarpone mashed potatoes are certainly close enough to the classic recipe to keep any purists in the family happy, but the addition of the mild, creamy Italian cheese, a touch of egg yolk, and copious amounts of butter, elevate this to “special occasion” status.

Besides being a delicious change of pace, the advantages of the casserole delivery system are obvious. You don’t have to time your potato mashing so precisely, and this keeps warm in the casserole dish a long time, so it’s really nice for larger groups.

As always, feel free to alter this to your tastes. I do add a substantial amount of butter, but a few times a year I feel like I’ve earned that right, and do so unapologetically. I hope you do the same. Enjoy!

4 1/4 pounds russet potatoes
salt and pepper to taste
cayenne to taste
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1/2 cup mascarpone cheese
3/4 cup milk

Friday 18 November 2011

Cranberry Mustard Salad Dressing – You’ll Be Tickled Some Kind of Pink

For whatever reason, pink sauces are considered somewhat visually offensive in the foodie universe, so when describing this cranberry mustard salad dressing to your friends and family, please use hipper alternatives like, “ballet slipper” or “rosy mauve.”

Whatever it’s called, I actually love the color of this vinaigrette, and think it’s especially gorgeous with the classic fall/winter salad palette. I served it over some endive garnished with persimmons, pistachios, and pomegranate seeds, and it tasted as bright and pretty as it looked.

One word of caution regarding the ingredient amounts listed below: I like my salad dressings on the acidic side, so be sure to taste and adjust the amount of oil you add. You want to be careful with the walnut oil, as too much can overpower the dressing, but you can add more vegetable or olive oil, until it’s perfectly balanced for your palate.

As I joke about in the video, this seasonal vinaigrette is perfect for the non-cook to bring to a family gathering. We’re talking about a minimal effort to get what could potentially be lots of loving praise, or at the very least, fewer disappointed glances. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 2 1/4 cups of dressing:
1/4 cup prepared fresh cranberry sauce
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1 small garlic clove
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
[note: you can use 1/2 cup of any vinegar(s) you like]
1/4 cup walnut oil
1 cup vegetable oil or light olive oil, or as much as needed to balance acidity to your taste

View the complete recipe

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Butternut Squash and Mascarpone Gnocchi – I Don’t Like Gnocchi, But I Love These!

When I tell people I don’t like gnocchi, I always have to clarify that I’m talking about the traditional, potato-dough style dumplings, and not the much easier and lighter, cheese-based versions, like this one featuring butternut squash and mascarpone cheese.

Unless created by the hands of a true master, traditional potato gnocchi are too often dense, gummy nuggets of disappointment. However, as temperamental as the classic recipe is, these cheesier, low-starch versions are really quite simple.

These are often made with drained ricotta, and you are welcome to substitute, but here we’re going with mascarpone, a very rich and luscious Italian-style cream cheese. Along with Parmigiano-Reggiano, all you need besides the cheese is some cooked squash, and just enough egg and flour to keep it all together.

Once your mixture is done, and you let it firm up overnight, you have a few options as far as final service. You can follow the spoon-boil-fry-serve method seen herein, or you can do the spoon-boil part ahead of time, and then fry in the sage butter when ready.

If you do want to make these ahead, simply fish them out of the boiling water as they’re cooked, draining well, and place on a plastic-wrapped sheet pan to cool. Once cooled to room temperature, they can be carefully wrapped up (in a single layer), and kept in the fridge for at least a day, until you’re ready to crispy up in the butter.

Either way, prepare your palate for some incredibly light, tender, and delicious gnocchi. You can use them for a first course, like I did here, or as a very special side dish to some roasted meat. I really hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 12 appetizer-sized portions:
2 cups cooked butternut squash
1 cup mascarpone cheese, or cream cheese, goat cheese
2 large eggs
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 oz (about 1/2 cup) finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (if you’re going to use fake Parmesan cheese for this, don’t even bother)
1 packed cup all-purpose flour
1 stick unsalted butter for frying, used in batches
cayenne, salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup sliced sage leaves

View the complete recipe

Recipes For Ground Beef: Easy Meatball Sandwiches!

Looking for some recipes for ground beef other than dull feeble hamburgers?  Try these delightful and easy-to-make meatball sandwiches for a nice change of slide!


1 pound lean ground beef
1/3 cup bread crumbs
2 gargantuan eggs
1-2 tablespoons tomato ketchup
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon dried oregano
20-30 dinner rolls or hamburger buns

World's Best Hamburger Recipe

It is a claim I have made for many years but ultimately the worlds best hamburger recipe is down to your personal tastes. That said, in my humble plan, this is the simplest but without a shadow of doubt the best hamburger recipe in the world!

To carry out perfection you will require some ground minced beef of unbelievable proportions this being 1 to 1.5 pounds of minced chuck steak. This was easy for me being a Master butcher of course, but you will need to ask your local butcher nicely, and I am clear he will be only too elated to oblige. The reason we are looking for ground mince using only the chuck meat is due to the chunky order. The ultimate hamburger requires around a 20% pudgy announce to flavour the meat whilst cooking and the beef full marbled within the chuck meat is perfect for this.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Easy Recipes For Ground Beef - Considerations For a Healthy Diet Plan

When you are defining your healthy diet notion you must pick into consideration the foods you are most familiar with then invent them more "body pleasurable."

Ground beef is common because it is relatively inexpensive, readily available, easy to prepare, and versatile.

Recipe Preparation Begins In The Supermarket

excellent meats cost more. That's no surprise.

Grass fed beef is mighty preferable to stockyard fed beef when you want to hold a healthy diet notion.

Why is grass fed beef better for you? 

It is better for you because cattle are grazers designed by nature to rob and digest naturally growing grass. Eating grass keeps them lean. Grass-fed cattle scramble freely, which attributes to the lean nature of their meat.

My Best Ground Beef Recipe

One of the most favorite and easy recipes for ground beef mince is one of my contain creations which without doubt one of the simplest methods of cooking ground mince beef. mercurial to design and extremely tasty with onions and seasoning it could be considered a great beefburger cooked in the oven. Served with home made chips and peas this is a recipe which all your family with treasure.

Towards the raze of the cooking time you may witness that the top of your ground mince has blackened somewhat, do not anxiety this is an attain of the eggs and seasoning combined with the natural fats rising to the top of the mince. Better unruffled, the top becomes crispy and makes the dish modern, so slightly crisp on the top is a gracious thing!


450g/1lb ground mince beef

2 x Oxo Cube/Knorrs seasoning cubes

2 x original eggs

1 x mammoth Onion Sliced & Diced (puny) 

Tomatoes or mushrooms to Garnish


1. Prepare a tall onion - lop into puny pieces by slicing the onion thinly and then dicing into as slight chunks as possible (you do not want to have tremendous thick chunks given they will have misfortune binding with the ground mince beef.

2. residence the diced onions into a astronomical bowl with 450g (1lb)  of mince beef - this is sufficient to feed around 3-4 hungry people.

3. shatter two novel eggs into the bowl with the onion and beef mince.

4. Crumble 2 Oxo Cubes or Knorrs seasoning cubes into the bowl.

5. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly.

6. Spoon out the mince beef mixture into an appropriately sized glass or ceramic dish - you are looking for the layer of mince to be around 2-3″ deep so status into a bowl which gives you this depth.

7. carry out the mince with either sliced tomatoes or mushrooms completely covering the top of the mince with either (or both if you engage, although sliced tomatoes tend to caramelise which makes for a beautiful topping!) 

8. space the dish into a preheated oven at 200 degrees or 180 degrees if using a fan assisted oven and cook for 45 minutes.

Whilst the mince is cooking why not piece boil some potatoes sliced as chips for 5 minutes in boiling water. Drain, and leave to cold for 5 minutes then space on a baking tray with some frylite (oil spray)  generously sprayed over the soon to be crispy chips and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Turn after 15 minutes and give another superior spray of frylite and cook for a further 15 minutes until golden.

This is a really simple yet easy recipe for ground mince which will fleet become a family approved. The additional of homemade chips makes this a tasty meal which is free from any artificial ingredients and is made by you in it's entirety.

Sunday 13 November 2011

American Grilled Beer Burgers Recipe

Talk about a Recipe that is American through and through! Here is an all-American burger recipe I set aside together recently. I employ beer in many of the recipes I construct because it enhances the flavors of a recipe and adds layers of flavor. Be extra patriotic and exercise an American brew for this recipe!

Your common Ground Beef Recipes

If you are looking for the fair kind of ground beef recipes you should retract a perceive online and leer what all those different cooking sites have to offer you. The internet is an unbelievable database of recipes where you can obtain an endless collection of ground beef recipes too. You unbiased have to construct a exiguous anxiety and decide the correct location. You will also then need to work on the recipe for yourself and ogle if it satisfactory to back to family or guests. If you are looking to imprint your friends and family a more exotic ground beef recipe will be a better option. For instance you can ogle for some Italian delicacy or something from the Pakistani/Indian cuisine. There are many benefits of including ground beef in your daily diet because you need some kind of meat source as fragment of a balanced diet too.

With the upright kind of recipe you can gain usual ground beef turn into something special. In fact, every day can be a special day if you beget the peril to provide your family with thrilling unique recipes. This intention you can also develop the children and the adults luxuriate in home cooking more and they can acquire to perceive a variety of food on the table. If you have some of your maintain concoctions which you want to try out, then you should do that too. But before making a lot of a unusual recipe, it is always wise to invent a exiguous amount with a few ingredients to eye how the recipe turns out and whether it is indeed tasting the intention you want it to. Sometimes you can always tweak the recipes to manufacture them taste better. But it is really up to you. when making substitutions it is critical to not go overboard - or you might change the recipe entirely.

Friday 11 November 2011

How to build the Best, Tastiest and Juiciest Homemade Burger in the USA

During my 30 years as a chef all over the USA, one of the things that I have always been in search of is a expansive hamburger. I haven't had one in over 10 years and that was at an faded friend's house, and he is a farmer. I was fair kicking it at his house,(J.C)  when he suddenly told me he had a taste for a burger, but he didn't eat at any of the restaurants around because he couldn't trust the cooks and their cleanliness habits of preparing food, which is another article in the making. He decided to prepare some and he honest wanted me to seek and rush me through his process, which I pleasantly agreed to do.

Simple Ground Beef Recipes

When seeking simple ground beef recipes you must always effect healthful food choices.

Let's observe at how you can consume a single evil recipe for three different meals.

Worst Foods To Eat

The current media has erroneously portrayed ground beef as one of the worst foods to eat. While it is not one of the best cholesterol reducing foods available it is kindly cheap food that can be old-fashioned to beget inexpensive healthy recipes for your family or guests.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

2 delightful Ground Beef Casserole Recipes

Ground beef is a versatile food item. It can be made into almost anything you desire. Also, it is very like a flash to prep and hasty to cook. To prepare a beef casserole recipe you need to know a few things. First, wash your hands before beginning to work with the beef. This will prevent your ground beef from getting sinful. Secondly, you are going to need a baking pan, or casserole dish and a hot oven. The third thing you need to construct a beef casserole recipe, you need a capable recipe. Below are some savory examples of ground beef and its versatility. Indulge yourself in some tasty beef dishes when you keep these beef casserole recipes together. savor.

delightful Ground Beef Recipes

There are many recipes using ground beef. Some of the best recipes include the ground beef chili recipe and ground beef potato pie. These recipes are easy to follow as long as you have all the ingredients required.

The beef with chili recipe can be cooked in thirty minutes by having the complete ingredients namely; three pounds of ground beef, one broad onion, one green pepper, two ribs of celery, two cans of beans, one can of tomato paste, one jar of unusual salsa, tomatoes that have been diced, one can of broth (beef kind), two cups of water, one fourth cup of powdered chili, two tablespoons of Worcestershire, one tablespoon of grounded basil, two teaspoons of cumin, two teaspoons of sauce for steaks, one teaspoon of powdered garlic, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of powdered pepper, onions that have been chopped and cheese.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

How to accomplish Easy Recipes For Ground Beef

Even during difficult economic times, people serene have to eat, and so if you know some lickety-split and easy recipes for ground beef, you can be well fed without having to consume hours in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove. As long as you learn how to work smarter preparing meals then you will not have to work harder.

There are several advantages of cooking meals that exercise one pound of ground beef as the main ingredient. The first one is variety. Anybody who thinks that all you can do with ground beef is fry hamburgers should launch widening their viewpoint, because this food staple is one of the most versatile ingredients you will ever stare on a supermarket shelf. You can construct hundreds of different soups, casseroles and sauces, ranging from quickly, casual suppers to delicate dinners superior for dishing up to the fussiest of gourmet visitors. Chili con carne, spaghetti sauce bolognese, and of course the humble macaroni and cheese casserole can all be included in the myriad of tasty and nourishing creations that originate with ground beef.

Ground Beef Dishes to appreciate On and Off the Grill

Ground beef dishes are well-liked with so many different people because there are so many different exquisite things you can do with ground beef, on the grill and off the grill. When you are looking for the best hamburger recipes, the ones that you like will all depend on your taste and that of your family's.

Here are a few of the most current hamburger dishes that are enjoyed by people all over the world, on and off the grill.

McDonald's Hamburger Recipes

McDonald's Hamburger Recipes  

If you want to be able to copy McDonald's hamburger recipes for personal exhaust, you must pay extra attention to the ingredients that you utilize. The greatest factor that plays a indispensable role in why their burgers taste so respectable is the kinds of meat as well as other flavors being extinct in the process.

The first thing that you have to prefer stamp of is the ground beef that you will exercise as patties to your version of Mcdonalds hamburger recipes. You should only avail ground beef that is 100% and USDA certified. gawk for the ground chuck type because this is 80% lean and this is also the kind that McDonald's consume for their patties. If you can't net such kind, you can choose for ground beef because this is also 80% lean.

Homemade Hamburger Recipe - 2 Tasty Gourmet Hamburgers

Sometimes a hamburger is more than fair a listless ole burger when some small twists are added to the venerable recipe. Turn your dreary burger patty into a juicy, mouthwatering gourmet burger that can be savored with each bite.

gain it or not, gourmet burgers are easy to beget and expend ingredients that you can gain in your kitchen cabinet or swiftly at the store. What you're actually doing is adding a few more herbs and spices to give the burger a very distinctive flavor. The recipes here picture different cultural influences that turn an ordinary burger into something very special.

Sunday 6 November 2011

earn current Ground Beef Recipes

There are many people who need fresh recipes so they can amaze their family and the guests that reach up for dinners. If cooking is a passion for you and you fancy the stare on someone's face when they like the dish that you have prepared, then the internet might unprejudiced become your next personal teacher and guide. There are so many different websites dedicated to all kinds of recipes. You will not only gather the factual kind of recipes but you will also be able to accumulate the accurate kind of cooking tips. There are so many people who have even place up video recipes so the viewer with a passion for cooking can have a more hands on experience. You can also net all kinds of ground beef recipes, pasta recipes and even appetizer and desert recipes on so many sites.

peruse for a portal that provides free recipes because you really shouldn't have to pay for a superb recipe. There are a number of free online websites that earn their money not by selling the recipes but actually from the sponsors that approach because of the increased traffic. But why would a recipe plot have more traffic?  Because it has beneficial recipes! The more people admire a recipe the more they maintain coming serve for more. There are also many sites which will provide you a recipe if you will ask for it which is even more attractive. A lot of people go some space for a vacation, to a foreign land and they are served some food that they cannot obtain befriend at home. Recipe portals are expansive to regain those exotic foreign recipes too and you can easily cook them at home by getting the moral ingredients. But in foreign recipes it is vital not to do substitutions and bewitch the recipe as it is.

Hamburger Meat Recipes - 2 large American Burgers to Make

The mountainous American burger comes in many different flavor varieties that range from listless to wild and exotic. When having burger night, you can spice things up a bit by making one of these delightful burger recipes. They are easy to beget and yet add enough of a twist to get a current popular in your burger eating meals.

Best Bacon Swiss Burgers

In a skillet, cook four slices of bacon until nice and crisp. occupy from heat, drain and crumble into a minute bowl.

Friday 4 November 2011

Best Stovetop Hamburgers Recipe

I'm going to not only exhibit you the best hamburger recipe, but I'm going to note you how to cook the best stovetop hamburger. There are a few secrets to this, and I do admire to grill out in the spring and summer all the time - but you can actually cook hamburgers and cheeseburgers in your kitchen on the stove by frying them to perfection! This is how we manufacture the best burgers indoors in the winter time!

All best Hamburger recipes

Ground Beef Hamburger Patty Recipe - Juicy Grilled Hamburger Patty 

There's nothing worse than biting into a dry, unappetizing hamburger. You won't have that quandary with this big grilled hamburger recipe. Hamburgers near hot off the grill with a scrumptious juicy texture that makes each bite really toothsome.

2 pounds ground beef

1 egg, beaten

3/4 cup bread crumbs, dry

3 tablespoons evaporated milk

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 cloves garlic, minced


Preheat the grill on high setting.