Friday 2 May 2014

Lorec Ranch Turquoise


Last weekend when I was in Oklahoma I had the chance to do a little shopping. I mean it was my birthday month, time to spoil myself a little right?

I had drove past Lorec Ranch a million times before, but previous to this day, I never had time to stop. Let's just say I am glad the stars aligned so I could finally pop on in.

Sorry for the camera phone picture.
I insistently fell in love with this turquoise kitchen table set, and I could not believe how reasonably priced it was. I'll invite you all to come have supper at my place on day at this turquoise table. 

I also thought this bedroom was quite pretty. 

I did end up buying one piece, but it was a touch to large for my suitcase! I'll be picking it up in April when I have a vehicle in Oklahoma. Can't wait to show it to you!

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