Tuesday 6 May 2014

Goal Update 101 in 1001 and #3in30


Currently, I am working on two sets of goals. The 101 goals in 1001 days and my 3 goals in 30 days, with some of these overlapping. Here is how things are looking.

I actually haven't completed any of these goals yet this month, but two of them are in progress and I am confident that I will complete them. I have really enjoyed writing in my journal everyday. Total for the month I have wrote in it almost 10 times, but I have to write in it 10 consecutive days to scratch it off the list. I also can't wait to finish Robyn Beazley's book, Live an Amazing Life. I only have one section left! p.s. you might want to check out Robyn's blog she has a ton of give-a-ways going on.

101 in 1001
40. The beginning of the month I made a donation to K-State through their Telefund. I know some of my classmate dread the Telefund call, but I always looks forward to it. This year a member of the current livestock judging team called me. I owe a lot K-State and I always try to give back even if it is just a little.

68. Clean my car - it looks so good. Still have to do it one more time to completely scratch it off.

Do you have a 101 in 1001 list or are you participating in #3in30? Let me know what your goals are?

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