Wednesday 7 May 2014

Tweeting from NCBA

Hello, Tweeps (Twitter friends)

I'm letting the cat out of the bag, if you haven't noticed I really like Twitter. I even incorporated it into my 101 in 1001 goals.

#62. Meet three of my Twitter friends in person - now completed

I had the opportunity to meet these three loving ladies for the first time at the National Cattlemens Beef Convention in Denver.

Anna, and I have lots of mutual friends and have been following each others blogs for awhile now. She has also joined in on my Turquoise Thursday posts. I was so excited to run into her! It was funny how many people asked if I was Crystal Cattle. You can check out her blog at

I also met Lauren at NCBA, through Anna. Once our conversation began we realized we were already following each other on Twitter! She works for the Arizona Beef Council, and is soon going to be starting a blog on her Beef Babes against Breast Cancer. 

Sarah, is another one of my Twitter friends, and a member of Collegiate Cattlewomen. My favorite organization at K-State. She started a agvocacy blog after she read my how to start an #agblog post. 

Also, an update on my #3in30 goals. I've been writing in that journal. Not on consecutively yet, but I do have three journal entries in five days. Pretty good for being at a conference all week. Definitely going to get that goals completed! 

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