Friday 2 May 2014

I can't eat beef I have Celiac Disease

Can't or Don't 

My grandpa, same one that gave me the amazing turquoise belt buckle, is one of biggest beef advocates that I know. He was singing beef's praises and telling the farmer and rancher's stories long before advocacy was the trendy thing to do.

This last week he was at a Health and Food Show in Calgary, Alberta, with his Alberta Beef booth. A lady walked up to him, and said I can't eat beef, I have Celiac disease. "The cattle eat barley, so I can't eat beef."

One of the new calves
back at home.
My instant reaction to her comment was, "What in the world is she talking about, of course she can eat beef. What nutritionist or doctor told her that, or why do people keep on self-diagnosing themselves." However, then I started to do some research and found that "Can a Gulten-Free Person eat Grain-Fed Meat" is a pretty common question. (p.s. If you follow the link you'll see that this lady has been led down the wrong path thinking Grass-Fed is healthier and better for the environment, but she does have the answer I was looking for about Gluten-Free diets and Beef.

According to when she asked Registered Dietitian and Gluten Free-Expert Tricia Thompson whether or not Grass-Fed Beef was Gullen-Free this is what Tricia said

“Grain-fed beef is fine. Before protein is absorbed it’s broken down into single amino acids or very short peptide fragments-no longer gluten.” — Tricia Thompson MSRD

Awesome! So those with Celiac Disease or that are taking part in a gluten free diets can enjoy all the health benefits of beef. 

And what did I learn/ If I'm going to walk the walk, I need to talk the talk. People have concerns about the food they are eating, where it comes from and how it is raised. Questions that seem obvious to one person might be confusing to others.

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